Page not found (404)

Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in Jespo.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. admin/
  2. [name='index']
  3. AdminPanel/
  4. Product/
  5. CartFav/
  6. Registration/
  7. accounts/
  8. SkateBoard/ [name='skateboardview']
  9. Roller/ [name='rollerview']
  10. ShoeSkates/ [name='shoeskates']
  11. AdjustableSkates/ [name='adjustablekates']
  12. AboutUs/ [name='aboutus']
  13. Terms/ [name='terms']
  14. PrivacyPolicy/ [name='privacypolicy']
  15. Refund/ [name='refund']
  16. ContactUs/ [name='contactus']
  17. KickScooter/ [name='kickscooterview']
  18. SafetyEquipment/ [name='safetyequipview']
  19. JaspoCricket/ [name='cricketview']
  20. BadmintonJaspo/ [name='badmintonview']
  21. BasketballJaspo/ [name='basketballview']
  22. FootballJaspo/ [name='footballview']
  23. ProductDetailPageView/<str:slugtext>/ [name='product_detail_page_view']
  24. ProductView/<str:data>/ [name='product_view']
  25. ProductView/<str:data>/<str:data1>/ [name='product_view1']
  26. CustomizeView/ [name='customize_view']
  27. CustomizeViewItem/<slug:slug>/ [name='customize_view_item']
  28. AllFav/ [name='all_fav']
  29. removefav/<int:id>/ [name='removefav']
  30. AllCartItems/ [name='all_cart_item']
  31. YourProfile/ [name='youraccount']
  32. get_selected_data/ [name='selected_data']
  33. get_selected_data_by_size/ [name='selected_data_by_size']
  34. ByCategory/<str:data>/ [name='SortBySubCat']
  35. BySubCategory/<str:data>/ [name='SortBySubSubCat2']
  36. SearchProduct/ [name='searchproduct']
  37. FetchOrderFromShipRocket/<int:order_id>/ [name='FetchOrderFromShipRocket']
  38. Product/
  39. CartFav/
  40. Registration/
  41. accounts/
  42. /LogIn/ [name='loginview']
  43. /LogOut/ [name='logoutview']

The current path, product-category/wave-board/, didn’t match any of these.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.